Sapo Y Sepo Knitting Model

The classic children’s book of the 1970s, Tou and Toad, tells the story of two friends and the unpaid bond between them. Maybe you’ll remember reading them when I was little. This is the case of the artist Kristina McGowan, who created a fascinating knitting model inspired by the main characters. In the Yapin project, the clothes you expect to see in the book are toad and TOAD. McDowan managed to capture the expressions on their faces, so any fans of these books will recognize them instantly.

A few years ago, McDowan had the idea of ​​creating this pattern while visiting the family for Christmas. She My Modern Met, “I haven’t looked at the books for years, and his magic has come back to me,” he says. “My father loves to do it after dinner, so I sat next to the wood stove while everyone was lying. During this time, he allowed the driving force behind his creation to be experiment and joy. “Normally trying to create a pattern, I take care to take notes and scribble something, but that night he was more interested in good emotions and not being too careful or not to be very careful.”

Creating a DIY pattern is not an easy task. “The idea of ​​a design for me can come from something I’ve seen in my neighborhood, that’s a certain combination of color or texture that makes me look crazy and makes me see everything in the form of fabric,” McGowan explains. “Then I start creating examples, trying different yarns and dimensions and finding how things can really walk. Especially the development and function of clothes can take months. You should be very used to abandoning something that does not work for hours even though you work for hours. tested. ”

However, when a project is done correctly, knitting something can be completely fascinating. Orum I can look at the clock and it will be 7 in the morning, and then I feel like 9 and almost no time has passed until you open the eye. This is a very satisfactory feeling. ”

Frog and Toad Knitting Model is now available on McGowan, Frog and Cast website. The craftsman recommends this project for people with “advanced medium” skills. “There are some necessary techniques for beginners (round work with smaller double -ended needles, short rows and various increases and decreases). It comes much earlier. ”

The artist Kristina McGowan created a knitting model inspired by the popular children’s books series toad and toad.